Sticky Trees
Aug 29, 2011
Keeping a blog updated is a lot of work in the summer when most of my free time is spent outside rather than inside my small domicile with 3 other humans. Last week we took a few days to go visit some friends in one of the most amazing places in the world, Quadra Island. With a population of 2700 residents and only a few more visitors it is a place where you can get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Here is a shot from our friends place
[caption id="attachment_413" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Rebecca Spit on Quadra island"]
Here is something interesting, probably only to beekeepers more likely. Outside of the house we stayed at there were these trees that were covered in a sticky residue. I could see a few bees around, so ventured closer. As I approached the trees it sounded like a swarm was nearby. looking closer there were bees everywhere! The bees were definitely enjoying the sticky stuff. I'm not good at identifying trees unless they are cedar, oak or maple so maybe someone can help me identify this one. My guess is poplar.
[caption id="attachment_415" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="What is this tree?"]
Here is a video showing all the bees on the tree. There is another tree that happened to be right next the sticky one that has white tinged leaves in the video. This was not the tree that the bees were in.
Here is another shot of Quadra because we just love it so much.
[caption id="attachment_416" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Rebecca Spit, Quadra Island"]
Next post: Honey harvest!