These are the Bees in your Neighbourhood
Oct 31, 2011
Earlier this year while picking up my son from the local Boys and Girls club there on the bulletin board was a flyer for the Vancouver Foundation Neighborhood Grant Program. With this program they were offering money for projects that enhance your neighbourhood and I am sure that my bees were all about enhancing the hood! Being the last day that they grant applications were being accepted, one was hastily drawn up and submitted via email. A few weeks later a letter arrived and inside was a cheque. Now, I'm sure you are wondering what was I going to do with this windfall so I will show you with some pictures.
[caption id="attachment_494" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Observation Hive"]
I spent the money on an observation hive, with the intent on taking it to some of the local block partys that happen throughout the summer courtesy of the Vancouver Foundation Neighborhood Grant Program. The hive was a hit with the kids and adults alike. We made a poster board info sign, brought the smoker, hive tool, bee brush and bee suits. I was surprised at the level of knowledge that the kids had, usually more than the adults. It was also a given that there was someone who was a beekeeper in the "Old Country" and wanted to chat about his apiary and bees.
[caption id="attachment_511" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Block party"]

I also went to my son's school and did a presentation with 60 grade 3 students. #1 question was "Where is the Queen?"
Glad I could get the message of the bees out to my community.