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3rd Week Inspection

Saturday was the 20th day since I hived the package of bees. The day was clear and sunny, about 15 celsius. The weather was supposed to be rainy for many more days ahead so it would have been hard to check on the progress of the hive.  Last week the bees didn't seem to mind the quick intrusion and photo shoot,  but lately I have noticed the guard bees patrolling the entrance all the time now. I sprayed sugar syrup with added essential oils by Pro Health on the bees rather than smoke them. All mention of smoking  says it takes a colony a while to recover from that.  Even though they were mellow, a couple of bees continued to bang into the veil for most of the  inspection. The bees seemed slightly more agitated than last week.  I need to remember not to breath on them, and not to get so engrossed in watching them that I forget to look for the queen. This video is a first attempt at using Movie maker. [youtube=]
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