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Mar 18, 2013

Spring Is Here...maybe

Exciting news! all 4 hives survived the blah Vancouver winter. several inches of snow for a day or 2, and temperature...

Oct 9, 2012

Mite-away treatment

Here is what is happening as of Sept 22/2012 in my Hives.  I decided to treat my hives going into the winter with Mit...

Mar 27, 2012

1st spring inspection year 2

This weekend was amazing!  The sun was shining and the temperatures were hovering at a balmy 13-15 Celsius (59 F)  pe...

Feb 6, 2012

Spring is here already?

Saturday February 4th was a beautiful day to crack open the hives and see what is going on with each of the colonies....

Sep 22, 2011

A Month of Bees

So many things have been happening since the last time  posting on the blog. I have decided to do a summary of the mo...

Aug 5, 2011

Sweet Nectar

Its been a while since my last post as we were away on a family camping trip.  The weather was crappy when we left an...

Jul 15, 2011

Honey, I'm home...

The past week has been beautiful and it is beginning to look like summer has finally arrived. I wanted to see what wa...

Jul 6, 2011

The queen has arrived

Friday July 1st was a beautiful sunny Canada day and after a day of picking strawberries on Westham Island I was look...

Jun 25, 2011

Swarm part deux

Friday the 17th  was another exciting day in my short time as a beekeeper.  I will have to give you the lead up story...

Jun 7, 2011

And Then There Was Two...

[caption id="attachment_292" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="this is the size of a large watermelon"][/capti...

Jun 6, 2011


So Sunday i was planning on doing a full inspection as it had been 9 days since the last one where I had discovered t...

May 27, 2011

Frame Comparison

I was looking at pictures of the development of the hive and thought it would be interesting to see the pics side by ...

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